Crostini topped with Fresh Cranberries & Cream Cheese

Crostini topped with Fresh Cranberries & Cream Cheese

Jun 15, 2021Mark Moss

Crostini topped with Fresh Cranberries & Cream Cheese

Featuring: Pomegranate Balsamic Vinegar and Meyer Lemon Olive Oil



Brush baguette slices with Meyer Lemon Olive Oil. Sprinkle with s&p, and toast for 10 minutes until lightly browned. Cool completely.

In a saucepan, combine sugar with ¼ c water and bring to boil. Stir briefly until sugar dissolves. Add cranberries, cover partially and simmer just until berries begin to burst, about 6 minutes. Do not overcook. Cool and set aside.

To assemble, spread baguette slices with cream cheese. Then, dollop with cranberries and garnish with basil leaves.

Before serving, drizzle Pomegranate Balsamic Vinegar.

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